Do you ever sit at work and wonder if you're wasting your life away?
I stare across at my colleague's equally blank face, and I wonder if she's thinking exactly the same thing. We spend 70% of our lives doing something we don't enjoy. We work 9 till 5 until we're 70, and then what? When I stare out the window, am I actually watching my life ebb away?
I spend my morning reading e-mails from people saying they don't want to receive our e-mails. I sever the communication ties. I
know I shouldn't complain: someone has to do it, right? All things for
the glory of God, right? Graduate employment is high, and yet I've been
given a job.
I know I need to be humble about mundane
tasks. But there is a 'but', I'm not sure what it is, BUT... I'm not
okay with this. Life is fleeting and short - far too short, surely, to
spend many minutes staring out the window wondering if I ought to be
doing something else.
there's a whole world out there - full of people and problems and
emotions and social structures and need. What am I doing about it? God
gave me a brain and I intend to use it to change the world for the
When I woke up this morning, I said to myself, "Today is going to be a good day". But then, I did quite a bit of crying today, so I'm not sure how that works.
I don't want to spend my life waiting and wishing and living for the weekend. Because that's only like 30% of our whole lives. And then sometimes you get to the weekend, and you still feel crap, and then what?
I remember I was in science class once and I was chatting to my teacher. I told him, "I want to get finished with school and college, so I can get on and start living my life". And he said, "but you're living your life right now". I hate to think that one day I'll look back at this time and wonder what I was doing waiting around.
But where do I go from here?
Bewildered and Confused